|food |healthy |cancer |cancers

Wednesday 23 December 2015

4 Errors 'Small' the fact Make You Fat

If you want to run a diet program to lose weight, then the need for detailed calculations. One little, not the ideal shape but gained weight continue to increase.

Quoted from India Time, Tuesday (22/12/2015), the following errors when the diet that causes weight gain.

1. Too worried by weight

One mistake often made is to always weigh every day. According to Asif Shaikh, a fitness trainer in Mumbai, India, checking weight every day will not show a significant difference.

"They were checking weight every day may feel there is no difference in the body. As a result, they will lose motivation and lead to a stop on a diet," he continued.

Hooked Eating Yogurt Can Create More Slim Waist, Really?

Claims about eating yogurt that can create a slimmer waist was proved by researchers. So is it true that eating yogurt can make a slimmer waist?

Irene Lenoir-Wijnkoop of Utrecht University, the Netherlands, conducted a study of 22 studies on the effect of yogurt on body weight and waist circumference. Of the 22 studies, 13 of them said that people who eat more yogurt will experience weight loss and a healthier body composition.

However, other studies did not show positive results. One other study says people who eat more yogurt experienced significant weight loss, but this could be due to calcium intake.

Monday 21 December 2015

5 The most make fat food

food or fat
Your fear of fat, but like snacking? You should be able to control and sort of food that is suitable for your snacking. Avoid foods that contain high calories.

Let us examine what are 5 foods with high calories

1. Animal Oil

 Animal oils are oils that extracted from various animals. All food containing animal fats, such as fatty mutton, beef, chicken skin, and fish oil is a kind of food with calorie counts most. Each 100 grams contains 902 calories, and the number is already meets 45% of your caloric needs in a day.
2. Vegetable Oil 
Vegetable oil or vegetable oil is the oil extracted from various parts of the plant. This oil is used as food, frying, and so forth. Actually, not much different from animal oil, vegetable oil contains 884 calories, meets 44% of your daily caloric needs. If you want to eat healthier vegetable oil, you better use olive oil, because oil does not contain harmful trans fats.

Monday 30 November 2015

8 symptoms of Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer
Symptoms of breast cancer the most common is the presence / lumps around the breast, can be small, medium, or large, can also be disturbing or not. In this article we will discuss in detail about the signs of breast cancer that need to be noticed, prior knowledge is very helpful in the healing process, in the hope that refer to 1).

1. Lump / thickening Around Breast
Lumps around the breast is one of the characteristics or the earliest signs that you should consider. Most women have lumps in the armpit or around the breast as a sign of the beginning they have early stage breast cancer.

Although not 100% lump indicates that you have cancer, but at least you have to be vigilant, ranging from small felt or already disturbing, you should immediately consult a doctor concerned.

Sunday 29 November 2015

Myths And Facts About Heart Disease

heart disease
Maybe we've often heard the term people who sweat on the palms is a sign of heart disease. It continues to grow among the people when the truth of the opinion it has not been proven. In addition, there are many myths circulating in our society regarding heart disease. Lack of public knowledge about heart disease and taste do not care cause people to believe what they hear myths. Here are the myths and facts about heart disease you should know:

Myth: The sweat on the palms of the hands is a sign of heart disease.Fact: That's not true, because the causes of excessive sweating of the palms is not caused by heart disease. It could have been caused by hyperthyroidism, or excessive thyroid hormone production.

Myth: Heart disease is a disease that affects many men than women.Fact: This assumption is not true, because heart disease in women is also quite common. However, heart disease is more common in women after menopause that women tend to ignore it.

Friday 30 October 2015

very surprising Tumor Disease Can Overcome With Juice

mangosteen skin
In general, tumors treated through medical treatment radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or even in operation. But unfortunately such treatment turned out to have side effects and risks are high.

At this time the juice has been found that can be used as an alternative treatment of tumors. Actually, juice processing is rather easy, but possible difficulties in obtaining materials. Materials in question are of mangosteen peel and leaves of the soursop. Perhaps in rural areas such materials can still be found easily, but different again in urban areas. Mangosteen peel or soursop leaves will not be easy.

Monday 28 September 2015

Avoid Drinking Tea After Eating Habits

drink tea
Tea is one of the favorite drinks of Indonesian society. This drink is made and encountered anywhere no exception at a roadside food stall or even 5 star hotel. It turns out, did you know that drinking hot tea, sweet iced tea at risk for health?

Here's the explanation, the habit of a person to drink tea after a big meal is difficult to remove. There is even a slogan one tea beverage products which states that any should drink tea eat.

According to the study, in a cup or glass of tea there are compounds that have the ability to bind iron is quite high. Because of it, the body will be difficult to absorb up to 60%.

Body of iron deficiency would result in the production of red blood cells is reduced. If the red blood cells is reduced, there will be damage to organs, including the brain.

Tuesday 22 September 2015

some sports That can Burn Stomach Fat, thighs and arms

Walking fast
some sports movement to shrink the stomach with a quick and easy to do. Keeping the body in order to stay slim is not an easy thing. Not everyone ultimately has the ideal body size, nothing is too big thighs, big arm, or her belly. many alternative ways that they do start from liposuction, diet, surgery and some that use the technique of cupping, of course it is not well done frightened harm your endurance, therefore wear a safe manner as Slimming drug consumption and exercise. For the following few sports movement can do to shrink the stomach quickly:
Back up 

Backing up the sports movement is to invert the body and moving the body upward with the bottom resting on the chest. Move repeatedly by putting both hands on the head. Enlist the help of friends or relatives if the trouble to do so.

Friday 21 August 2015

how Spinach Prevent Hunger

A long-term study conducted by researchers at Lund Unversity, Sweden, showed that spinach contains extracts of green leaves or thylakoid membranes that can reduce hunger hedonic up to 95 percent and helps weight reduction up to 43 percent.

Hedonic hunger is another term for a strong desire to eat unhealthy foods such as sweets or fast food, which is a common cause of obesity and unhealthy eating habits.

The study results showed that thylakoids can strengthen the satiety hormone production in the body and suppress the hedonic hunger, which ultimately better impact on appetite control, adoption of healthy eating habits and increase weight loss.

Infection danger Tatto Machine

Tatto machine
Tattoos. Artwork on the skin of the human body is more and more fans. In the tattoo salon, a colorful variety of shapes drawn on body parts according to customer desires. Unfortunately, this artwork is one work of art that allows the various reactions of the skin, such as allergic reactions, inflammatory reactions and infections of the skin. For that, think seriously before deciding to get a tattoo.

Skin infections because Tattoos
Infections of the skin, including one of the side effects that need to be taken seriously as the source not only of the tool only. Source of infection in tattooing are at the place of manufacture, crockery and tattoo ink.

Thursday 20 August 2015

6 Natural Ways to Tighten the female organs

female organs are very prone to the disease, for which women should be taking good care of her female organs, here are some ways to care for the female organs:

1. Orgasm

While orgasm is actually the muscles of the pelvic floor is being contracted. So more and more frequent orgasms, the earlier start tightening of the muscles of the pelvic floor.

2. Kegel exercises, known as sexual gymnastics
Kegel exercise
 Kegel exercises are one way to train the female organs are loose. The way to do Kegel exercises are the first first identify the pelvic floor muscles are we going to train them. If you do not already know can insert a finger in the vagina and doing activities such as stop urinating, muscle nah makes pinched fingers it was called the pelvic floor muscles. After that tighten and relax the muscles (do firming for 5-10 seconds and then relax), done up to 5 times.

Prevent Colon Cancer Diligently Drinking Coffee

Coffee is a beverage that is so popular in Indonesia and even the world. Drinks are synonymous with black colored liquid is able to anesthetize fans with flavor, aroma, and the amount of caffeine needed.

Besides being able to effectively keep you awake, diligent coffee was also able to keep you from the risk of colon cancer that threatens. So, what is the reason?

"The content of caffeine in coffee is able to cut the inflammation which became the forerunner of the growth of cancer cells in the colon," explained research that was launched from this dailymail.co.uk.

Friday 14 August 2015

12 Benefits of Tea Bags Bags Used

bennefit tea
friends like to sit back and enjoy a dish of hot tea? Or chat while jamming so beautiful tea? Do not throw away used tea bag! Instead contaminate and pollute the environment, you'd better take advantage of the former wrap her tea. Because in addition to a soothing beverage, tea also has many other properties. What are the benefits of the tea, the following explanation:

1. Remove sprue.
Who is frequent canker sores? Thrush can be treated with a tea bag, you know. That's because tea contains tannic acid, which is a substance astringent and anti-inflammatory, thereby accelerating wound healing.

2. Stop the bleeding and heal bruises.
Tannic acid content (and caffeine) in a tea bag can also fit into small cuts and shrink the capillary holes and open wounds, reduce swelling and bruising, close the cuts, and to treat wounds caused by razor.

3. Eliminate panda eyes.

5 It Disgusting It Turns Allowed There in Food

Larvae in food cans. Ever meet him?
Ever imagine if you enjoy food made of dirt, worms and other disgusting things? Certainly not ya. But, believe me if it has indeed become our consumption even possible since a dozen years ago. Various objects is repugnant and must be disposed of turns for the authorities is even allowed to exist in our food ..

Similar conspiracy for world domination theory yes. But, do not worry it is not as dangerous as what is thought anyway. Still, knowing the fact that we are apparently eating disgusting objects successfully make nausea. It is disgusting what the hell it turns out often we eat it? Here's his review.

1. Dirt

Friday 7 August 2015

Beware, Turns Supplements Can Increase Risk of Disease

 First, as a child, some of your parents must have told you to take vitamins, the reason is that you quickly grow large. Maybe it's true, because as a child might be difficult to eat so the intake of foods that should be required not even you can. However, consumption of supplements and vitamins you may no longer consume when you are growing up.
But lately it seems the food or vitamin supplements start needed again. But whether you really need it? Because quoted www.everydayhealth.com, supplements and vitamins really do not need if you are in good health and has no health problems whatsoever.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

healthy diet with lemon

It can ya Cheap and Healthy Diet? Most of us when I want to diet, there is constraining us to run the program diet. The first is the fear of hunger. The second is the budget. For those people, sometimes feel it expensive diet programs. Well here I will give tips cheap. That is how cheap Healthy Diet Lime.

Why lemon? Lime can be used as an alternative to replace the lemon. Lemon fruit is relatively expensive, especially if more is not the season.

 lemon or lime this cool name? This fruit is produced shrubs, size 3-6 cm. It feels a bit bitter or sour, and it was almost the same as the lemon. And this fruit has a high vitamin C content. In addition, the fruit is also rich in acidic tailings.

How to use lemon juice in the diet program

Thursday 30 July 2015

symptoms of lymphoma

Do lymphoma?
Lymphoma is a kind of malignant tumor derived from the lymph nodes or other organs glands, until now lymphoma that has been known to be close to 70 types of pathologies, can be broadly divided into two types namely Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

What are the causes of lymphoma?
1) biological causes: the cause of the growth of lymphoma associated with the absorption of radiation, large amounts of radiation can accelerate the growth of lymphoma in human bodies.

2) The cause of the chemical: chemicals that cause cancer, such as pesticides and hair dye, etc.

3) Cause immunity: people with decreased immunity, for example, AIDS, organ transplantation, rheumatic and inflammatory diseases hinges and the like.

4) The cause of the derivative: malignant lymphoma is very clear attacked a group of families, for example siblings alternately or simultaneously attacked by malignant lymphoma.

Monday 27 July 2015

How To Overcome The Skin Itching Due to Allergies

Itch that comes on suddenly in the area sometimes irritate the skin, especially if the itching makes the skin irritated by too much carded. Should do other things than to damage the skin by the friction that occurs when nails scratching.

Itchy skin can be caused by many factors, one of which is the result of allergies caused by allergens that do not fit on the body. To cope with itching without scratching the skin due to allergies, consider healthy ways following:

Salam leaves - bay leaves can be used to treat itching in the skin caused by the allergy. Because it is a natural substance derived from nature, how to use it was so easy. Choose fresh bay leaves, wash first with water, then grow until smooth. If you've refined the collision leaves put on areas of the skin that itch.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

Sitting can trigger cancer?

Sitting can trigger cancer?
Spending time to linger have long pointed out can cause various diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke, up posture disorders. However, there are still risks resulting from the activity of sitting in a very long period of time, ie cancer.

A study reported by the Daily Mail, scientists say spend more time sitting may increase the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and cancer of the bone marrow, especially in women. More free time spent just sitting without physical activity, such as watching television, increase the chances of developing cancer by 10% in women, while this effect was not felt in men.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

The following Rich Protein Food More than Eggs

To obtain a high intake of protein with ease and low price, the egg is the solution. In one egg contained six grams of protein.

But, not just eggs sole source of protein. There are many other foods that have a higher intake of good protein to build and repair tissues and to make enzymes and hormones in the body. Here's the list:
1. Greek yogurt

 Greek nonfat plain yogurt in a cup cup contains 17 grams of protein with 100 calories.

2. Pumpkin seeds dry 

Pumpkin seeds are known with a high magnesium content but also a good source of protein. Eating one cup of dried pumpkin seeds is equal to incorporate 10 grams of protein into the body.

Difficult Women Stay away some reason Junk Food

Junk food
Some women claim to feel more comfortable eating unhealthy foods at a time when the mood is not awkward. In fact, they consider unhealthy foods such as pizza is a healthy food because it contains vegetables, meat, and spices.

A recent study published in the FASEB Journal that women tend to crave unhealthy foods in the last days of her pregnancy. Although more research to explain the dangers of unhealthy foods, it seems not immune to make their escape.

Here are some reasons that make women difficult to reject unhealthy foods.

1. Mood

Monday 13 July 2015

Carefully 5 Habits Make It Sleeping difficulty

Sleeping difficulty
Sure you already know bed early for 6-8 hours is good for health. Many are already trying to sleep early, but what I still find it difficult to close his eyes.

It may be that there are some habits that cause sleeplessness fast. Here are some habits that make insomnia:

1. no fixed meal schedule 

Studies show inconsistent eating habits have a negative impact on sleep at night.

2. Mouth-scented mint

 Research shows aromas of mint stimulates the brain awake. This makes you so hard to sleep.

11 Bad Habits Stop It In Hair

Getting hair beauty need not only to wash and care for her to the beauty salon on a regular basis only. All of these things will be useless if it is not offset by reducing the bad habit on the hair. Apparently, there are 11 of unconscious habits have a bad impact on hair. What are they:

1. Splitting hairs branching, it will get a number of split ends.

2. Rotate the twirling hair in a moment of panic, not good for your hair.

3. Avoid a haircut, but the hair cut will make hair grow faster and healthier.

Thursday 4 June 2015

5 Facts Broccoli Juice Breast Cancer Prevention

Well, below are the facts why broccoli juice can prevent breast cancer.

1. Broccoli shown to have anti-cancer effects and a rich source of vitamin C.

2. Drink a cup of broccoli juice each day, can dramatically reduce the risk of breast cancer.

3. Because of the bitter, broccoli juice should be mixed with other vegetables or fruits.
The best fruit to be mixed apples and vegetables are best for admixture is carrots.

9 Types of Foods That Should Not On Consumption For Cervical Cancer

meat causes cancer
You Need To Know To Accelerate Healing Process of Cervical Cancer What You Experience. In addition to use your medicine Also in Advise Avoiding Food And Drinks During Abstinence Period of Medicine, Food and Beverages Prohibited Among them:

1. The food is preserved, the reason is: because it has a chemical compound that can be turned into karsiogenaktif

2. The food was burnt, as well as preserved foods which contain chemical compounds that can be turned into karsiogenaktif

3. Meat, including beef, buffalo, goats and pigs, facilitating the growth of abnormal cells.

Wednesday 3 June 2015

How many of Food That May On Consumption For Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer seemed to be an epidemic today. By adopting a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, you can freely live a healthy life without staked cancer hazard.

1. Avocado
Rich in glutathione, a powerful antioxidant to fight free radicals in the body. Scientists also believe avocado can be useful for treating hepatitis - the cause of liver cancer and liver problems other damage.

2. Broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower
The three types of these vegetables have a chemical component of indole-3-carbinol (I3C) that is useful to combat breast cancer by converting into cancer-promoting estrogen is protective. Broccoli, especially sprouts in part also has a phytochemical sulforaphane which is believed to prevent some types of cancer such as colon cancer and rectal. Sulforaphane induces the production of specific enzymes that can deactivate free radicals and carcinogens.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

frequent consumption of eggs, can make your stomach flat

Six Pack
Who does not crave a flat stomach? Both men and women would want a proportional body shape with a shape that was not distended stomach.

We all know that the most effective way to get a flat stomach is to exercise regularly abdomen. Even so, there are some foods that it can make you achieve a flat stomach faster.

These foods contain nutrients that are good for reducing flatulence, and slimming your body. Here are foods that make your stomach flat: 

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