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Monday 14 May 2018

Know the Different Types of Diet and Natural Healthy Diet Food Menu

healthy diet
The Purpose of a Healthy Diet 
Diet is synonymous with the goal to lose weight. In fact, there are actually some goals someone running a healthy diet. In addition to losing weight, running a healthy diet can also aim to shape the body, increase body weight, and maintain the quality of health.

To run a natural healthy diet, it is necessary setting the right diet. Healthy diet foods consumed depend on the purpose of doing diet. This is important to note because the healthy diet diet is very determine the results of a healthy diet to be achieved. 

Natural Healthy Diet Type to Lose Weight

A healthy diet aimed at losing weight is the most popular diet goal. Therefore, no wonder if there are currently so many types of healthy diet that aims to lose weight. Well, if you are currently trying to reduce body weight, some of the following healthy diet might help you:

A vegan diet
Healthy dieters do not consume animal foods such as meat, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, mayonnaise, honey, and various other derivative products. Some vegan dieters not only aim to lose weight or maintain health quality, they also want to protect the environment by avoiding the consumption of animal products.

Keto Diet
This healthy diet is done by eating a diet low in carbohydrate or even without carbohydrates at all. Due to the absence of carbohydrate intake, the body will be in ketosis condition. As a result, blood sugar drops and the body uses fat as an energy source. This diet is suitable done by patients overweight or obese.

Diet Mayo
This healthy diet runs within just two weeks and offers significant weight loss. The diet's only taboo is the consumption of salt and fried foods. In addition, healthy dieters must also balance his diet with regular exercise and drink eight glasses of water a day.

The South-Beach Diet
This type of healthy diet can also be called a modified low-carbohydrate diet. This healthy diet emphasizes low-carbohydrate and high-protein foods and healthy fats.

Mediterranean Diet
Most of the foods consumed by healthy dieters are plants such as vegetables, fruits, potatoes, whole grains, and legumes. They still eat yogurt, cheese, milk, and eggs, but in small portions. Consumption of fish or other types of seafood is done twice a week. Consumption of healthy fats is also highly recommended in this healthy diet program. Red meat and sugar may still be consumed but only occasionally.

Natural Healthy Diet Food Menu

 If you find it difficult to choose one of the various types of healthy diets above, or maybe you just want to maintain health without a certain weight target, then simply run a healthy diet every day.Avoid consumption of unhealthy foods and healthy dietary consumption of natural foods in a balanced portion. Here are the different types of natural healthy diet foods you can consume daily:

Vegetables are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and do not contain fat so it is perfect to eat if you want to run a healthy diet. Some very good vegetables are consumed raw, but there are also types of vegetables that are actually good to eat after being cooked like tomatoes. This healthy diet of red color contains lycopene which is easily absorbed by the body if it has undergone a heating process.

Fruits are also healthy diet foods that do not contain fat. High content of vitamins, minerals and fiber are also very helpful in the effort to maintain good health and digestion. The best fruit is consumed directly after being cut into pieces. However, if you do not like the consumption of fruit in the form of pieces, healthy diet foods can be processed first in the form of juice. Avoid using a lot of sugar so that the fruit juice you consume does not actually increase the intake of calories in your healthy diet.

Whole grains
These healthy diet foods are rich in protein, fiber, and vitamins. In addition to whole grains or corn, other types of whole grains you can consume are peanuts. Avoid adding salt, sugar, and processing with oil or other sources of fat to keep the diet food healthy.

Lean meats
Meat is the best source of protein for the body, It's just that these healthy diet foods can turn into bad food if you include additional fat and meat fat in the presentation. Therefore, choose lean meat and avoid cooking it

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