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Sunday 6 May 2018

3 Adverse Effects Do not Take Off Shoes Before Entering the House

You will always hear the mother say, take off the shoes before entering the house. Apparently it is not just to maintain cleanliness, although this does not apply abroad. Where everyone will enter the house without removing shoes, but in Indonesia that enforce the unwritten law, proved to make your health better.This is not just a matter of courtesy or eastern custom, but there is already research that says. If it is better for health, take off shoes before entering the house, why so? These bad little habits turn out to threaten health.

This has been proven by research from the University of Arizona, where the habit of removing shoes before entering the house will take care of your health. Here's a complete scientific explanation that proves that.

 Apparently in the shoes you use everyday, there are bacteria that can stick and spread from the shoe. According to the study, there are 421 thousand bacteria that are likely attached to the outside of the shoe, Nine bacteria such as can have a negative impact on the body.Starting from Escherichia Coli (E. Coli), this is a bacteria that can cause diarrhea, gastrointestinal infections, even found cases of meningitis also due to E. Coli. There are also bacteria Klebsilla pneumonia that will threaten the urinary tract, which can cause infection and difficult to remove urination.Serratia ficaria bacteria that can cause respiratory infections, this is not immediately felt, but if the bacteria attached to the outside of the shoe for weeks and the immune system decreases, it can cause shortness of breath or sudden heart attack.

 Not only bacteria can cause disease, but toxins can also stick on the outside of the shoe. Especially if you walk a lot around the highway with asphalt, where the outside of the road with asphalt, using tar.This is what triggers the occurrence of cancer, tar particles can stick and go into the house. Especially if your house does not have good air circulation, this can precipitate and cause active cancer cells. Not only adults, but also found cases of cancer in children, despite not having a history of genetics.

Not only the smell of wet soil that should be shunned, but the ground was also a negative impact for children. Therefore, parents will ban dirty shoes into the house, because this will cause illness.Children tend to put hands or toys in the mouth, clean floors are not a bacteria-free guarantee or germs. This is what can trigger the occurrence of disease, initially only mild illness but if bad habits such as not removing shoes outside the home, it will become a serious illness.Apparently there are a lot of good things and very good for health by applying small habits, take off shoes before entering the house. In addition to keeping the house clean, bacteria, toxins and germs will not come in because the shoes are placed on the outside of the house.

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