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Saturday 12 May 2018

5 Best Tricks to Eat Healthy Without Your Realizing

Eat Healthy
Healthy lifestyle be everyone's dream. one of the supporting factors is to start eating healthy foods as well.

But to start eating healthy is not as easy as saying it. Fortunately with some simple tricks of dietitians and nutritionists, you can start eating healthily without difficulty.

Launch from the Huffington Post, following his best tricks:

1. Put fruit and other healthy foods on the front of the refrigerator 
Put fruit and other healthy foods on the front of the refrigeratorFruits and healthy snacks that are easy to see and reach can change your snacking habits. According to dietitian Katie Serbinski, put healthy food in a place that is easily visible in the refrigerator, and move unhealthy food to the bottom or drawer of the refrigerator.

It also applies in Google that allows users to find healthy food. "We make healthy foods easy to spot, while the lesser ones lie deeper," says Operations Manager and Google global food program chef Scott Giambastiani.

2. Do the hard things first
 Dietician and nutritionist in Atlanta, USA, Marissa Moore advised his clients to immediately clean and cut the fruits and vegetables they buy from the market once they get home. "You will tend to be lazy eating whole pineapple than if you've cut it and ready to eat," he said.But if you do not have much time to do it, many stores that sell fruit and vegetables are ready for consumption. "There's no need to be ashamed of this, because anything that makes you eat vegetables and fruits easily is an achievement," added Andrea Moss, holistic nutrition coach and inventor of Moss Wellness.

3. Set the contents of the refrigerator (and do not forget to clean!)
 Molly Lee, a holistic health expert and inventor of Energizing Nutrition, says managing your refrigerator and kitchen can make it easier when cooking. 'Make various parts for different categories of food in the refrigerator to prevent contamination from other food ingredients,' he said.

Do not forget to clean the refrigerator. Dispose of foods that are not feasible every week.

4. Improve the condition of the cutlery 
Another interesting thing is to replace the tableware and cook if it is not worth using. Proper bowls, plates, and glasses keep you in the spirit of healthy cooking.

5. One-foot eating is not healthy is still allowed 
Getting rid of the eating habits of candy and chips is not easy. To get a truly balanced diet, Molly Lee recommends putting just one snack at home.

He encouraged his clients to dessert of high quality. Such as organic dark chocolate or raw honey that can be combined with other healthy snacks.

"The price is expensive and tastes good will make you consume it slowly to be able to enjoy it repeatedly."

The best trick to overcome the desire to snack is to 'cheat' yourself and hide unhealthy food. Maybe you still have chips or chocolate biscuits hidden in the bottom cabinet.Because the principle with the invisible, unthinkable, will make your lifestyle away from these unconscious foods unconsciously.

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