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Tuesday 23 February 2016

Fruit Healthy For Breakfast

fruit healthy
Breakfast in the morning is a signal to activate the metabolic processes of the body from the resting state into an active state.

Then breakfast should contain protein, carbohydrates and fat. A healthy breakfast fruit can provide fiber intake, important phytonutrients, antioxidants and carbohydrates.

Do not use any fruit for breakfast. Fruit is consumed for breakfast should meet the criteria as reported Lifestrong, Tuesday (29/05/2012) below:

1. Rich Content of AnthocyaninsFruits are intensely colored like blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, red grapes and strawberries are rich in plant pigments called anthocyanins. Research in 1997 to analyze the strong antioxidant properties of 14 anthocyanins found in fruit.

The findings suggest that anthocyanins may improve vision disorders, vascular diseases and protect the body from damage caused by chemicals and radiation. The study also found that anthocyanins may function as anti-inflammatory and reduce the risk of cancer.

2. Rich Content of CarotenoidsCarotenoids are another type of pigment in plants that are important for human beings. Carotenoids contained in fruits are yellow, orange and red as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, melon, watermelon, apricots, peaches, tomatoes and mangoes.

There are more than 600 types of carotenoids, but most often found in food are alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Carotenoids protect against vision problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration, can also improve lung health and lower the risk of cancer or heart disease and blood vessels.

3. Rich in FiberFiber is important that the digestive system to work optimally. Fiber also helps prevent diabetes and heart disease and blood vessels. Women should consume 21-25 grams of fiber per day and men 30-38 grams a day. Examples of fiber-rich fruits include raspberries, blackberries, avocados, pears, apples, blueberries, dates, strawberries, bananas, prunes and raisins.

4. Low Glycemic IndexFruit with high sugar content can cause a spike in blood glucose and insulin to trigger diabetes. Eat fruits with low glycemic index, which is located on the 55th to the bottom such as cherries, oranges, dried apricots, apples, pears, plums, peaches, oranges and grapes.

Kiwi fruit and bananas are ranked in the list of the most tight secure, namely glycemic index ranks 53 and 54. The content of fruit with a moderate glycemic index for example, mango, fresh apricots, raisins and pineapple. Watermelon has a high glycemic index, which is ranked 72.

5. Avoid Dried Fruit And JuiceDried fruit and fruit juices higher calorie content than fresh fruit. In addition, fruit juice contains less fiber than fresh or dried fruit. Do not add sugar to the drink if you still want to enjoy fruit juice.

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