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Thursday 3 March 2016

Colorectal cancer kills 1,366 Israelis a year

colorectal cancer
 Although 1,366 Israelis were killed last year caused ole colorectal cancer, the second most deadly cancer in the State of Israel - Israel is a leader in the OECD in the survival of cancer patients, ranks second in the men's and women's fourth.

Israel Cancer Association, in coordination with the Ministry of Health, announced on Wednesday to open the colorectal cancer Cancer Awareness Month in March.

colorectal cancer is increasing among young people aged 20 years to 49 years, while among people aged over 50 years of decline due to early cancer detection program. American Cancer Association, for example, estimates that by this trend, in 2030 the prevalence of cancer at the age of 20-34 years will rise 90 per cent and in those aged 35-49 years will be up 28%.

Sunday 28 February 2016

7 red fruit is to offer healthy benefits for your body

fruits red
As you know, fruits still displaced in the diet recommended for the health of your body. no secret if the fruit is rich in nutrients, but you need to be more careful in choosing the type of fruit that suits your body needs.

Fruits consist of various colors and shapes. This time I will share the healthy benefits of eating fruits that are red. Not only teasing, fruits that are red save a lot of nutrients, as reported through the following Boldsky.

1. The red apples 

very tempting red color, a fruit that is rich in antioxidants, flavonoids and dietary fiber. With the content of these nutrients, red apple is able to keep you from diabetes, protects from the risk of lung disease, colon and even liver cancer.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

Fruit Healthy For Breakfast

fruit healthy
Breakfast in the morning is a signal to activate the metabolic processes of the body from the resting state into an active state.

Then breakfast should contain protein, carbohydrates and fat. A healthy breakfast fruit can provide fiber intake, important phytonutrients, antioxidants and carbohydrates.

Do not use any fruit for breakfast. Fruit is consumed for breakfast should meet the criteria as reported Lifestrong, Tuesday (29/05/2012) below:

7 Cancer Early Symptoms Emergence

Cancer is considered as one of the dread disease.Because, until now known cause of cancer is not clear.Treatment and care which cost a very large, often cause stress on patients and their families.According to Dr. Paul W. Halim, radiaestesi medical practitioner and integrative medicine, cancer cells actually present in everyone's body.

However, not all human beings, active cancer cells and develop into a fearsome disease.

Wednesday 10 February 2016

8 Healthy food that can strengthen the heart and brain memory

there are some healthy foods that are able to strengthen the heart and a healthy diet can also increase brain memory.
The heart and the brain is a vital organ in our body. In the modern era, as now, the problem of memory loss and weak heart into a kind of a fear factor in the community. to improve the health of the heart and brain, this healthy consumption of eight foods. Let's look together!
1. Walnuts

Walnuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin E. Walnuts can remove all the plaque that builds up in the arteries, prevent stroke and heart attack.

Surprisingly, Healthy Food for People with Arthritis

Peanut butter
Shocking fact that peanut butter is a healthy food for people with arthritis. To avoid this rheumatic disease you can eat healthy foods including peanut butter, Arthritis is a disease that causes the pain of muscles or joints become inflamed and swollen.

Rheumatism consists of various types and can infect joints anywhere on the body. Generally, this disease affects the part of the finger joints, wrists, shoulders and knees. In advanced stages of the disease makes the patient is not able to conduct any activity and quality of life decline.
While the other symptoms of rheumatic disease are fever, decreased appetite, weight loss and anemia. But sometimes the patient is not aware of the symptoms.

even not only peanut butter there are also other foods. You're curious about what healthy foods which are intended ??

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Type Diet Need to Know

Vegetarian diet
Vegetarian diet
7 Type Diet Need to Know. Diet is derived from the Latin (diaeta) and Greek (diaita) meaning "a way of life" or way of life (regimen). In addition, some people also suggests that a diet is a course, where food and drink is set in such a way, both the type and quantity in order to achieve weight loss or lifestyle has been determined. To get to know about one's health program, you have to know in advance the 7 types of this healthy diet. below there are some 7 kind of diet that you need to know.
7 Type Diet

    Low-carb diets
This diet is based on the premise that carbohydrates lead to increased blood sugar levels rapidly should be avoided. This diet focuses on carbohydrates "right" to keep blood sugar levels stay balanced. Foods that have a low glycemic index include whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, beans. You can combine it with fruits and vegetables.

Sunday 24 January 2016

Cancer symptoms should not be ignored

cancer symptoms
Cancer is a dangerous disease that is fatal if not immediately consult and follow-up by the doctors who are experts in their fields. Symptoms that occur in cancer are often ignored by the sufferer due to difficult detected, then most people will be too late to check himself. Cancer grows very rapidly and have a level of severity which is often called the stage. Stadium on cancer disease were four, if you are already on a four-stage or late stage it would be difficult to cure and will bring the life of the patient.

Symptoms are different depending on each type of cancer in the suffering. A type of cancer that is usually found in Indonesia whom are breast cancer, brain cancer, lymphoma, and lung cancer. Here I will share some of the symptoms of cancer that commonly arise and should not be ignored by you.

some Healthy Food For Your Heart

Healthy Food For Your Heart
Maintaining the health of the important attention in your busy schedules. With diet and proper food choices so one way.

Useful for lowering cholesterol, contains Vitamin A, C, and K, both consumed as a snack, salad or sandwich to accompany the contents of your leisure time.


When eating is able to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease and keep the arteries clean channel. Oatmeal apple pie, anyone?

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