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Wednesday 15 July 2015

Difficult Women Stay away some reason Junk Food

Junk food
Some women claim to feel more comfortable eating unhealthy foods at a time when the mood is not awkward. In fact, they consider unhealthy foods such as pizza is a healthy food because it contains vegetables, meat, and spices.

A recent study published in the FASEB Journal that women tend to crave unhealthy foods in the last days of her pregnancy. Although more research to explain the dangers of unhealthy foods, it seems not immune to make their escape.

Here are some reasons that make women difficult to reject unhealthy foods.

1. Mood

Many women experience mood changes every day. Make yourself feel better, eating junk food is one of the choices.

2. Assume that junk food healthier

Because pizza contain many ingredients that are considered healthy such as vegetables, spices, meat, which is needed by the body because it contains nutrients and proteins, then they think junk food is healthy.

3. Feeling calmer

Junk food is one of the choices that women are making steady nerves more relaxed. That is why many women who love to eat popcorn while watching a movie.

4. Containing vegetables

Today, most junk food contains vegetables, and vegetable itself contains a lot of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins. And they think junk food is healthful.

5. Depressed

Depressed is one of the many reasons women difficult to stay away from junk food. Once was on a diet, there is always a reason for a high-calorie foods.

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