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Wednesday 25 April 2018

4 Tips On How To Maintain Natural Body Health

natural body health
How to care and maintain good health is not difficult. Maintaining health can we mean to prevent things that are not good for body health, so long as you do activities that do not harm yourself and your body, then you will get health for free and of course easy.
What you need to underline is the disease arises due to the body is not healthy or not clean. so everyone who wants to have a healthy life should start from avoiding dirt, food that is not beneficial to the body until the time-wasting activity.
If it is very difficult to avoid then try to follow some healthy tips below.
Natural Ways to Maintain Body Care by Taking Care of Healthy Lifestyle

Tuesday 24 April 2018

The Benefits of Drinking Water Warmly For The Health Of The Human Body

drinking warm water is good for health
Drinking a lot of water and regularly can maintain immunity and can also be used as skin care. But besides drinking water especially drinking warm water can also provide some very good benefits for the body. Drinking warm water is one that can be used to warm the body. Not only that, the benefits of drinking warm water is very beneficial for health.

Many are made from warm water, you can make coffee, milk, tea, and also others. Of course all ingredients added to warm water will also supply its ingredients according to what ingredients are added.

Monday 23 April 2018

6 healthy living habits every day

healthy living habits every day
Want to have a healthy body and resist various disease attacks? Apply a healthy lifestyle from now on. Applying a good lifestyle is very important to do in our daily lives, this way is very useful to maintain our body healthy living habits and prevent attacks of various types of diseases. Because by applying this pattern then our body will form a healthy immune system and strong, so the body will remain in shape. It has a good impact on our work activities, so that we become more productive people.Applying this lifestyle is very easy to do, but it will be difficult if we do not have a strong intention to do so. Here are some steps to do in implementing a healthy lifestyle, including as follows!Healthy Living Pattern Every Day

healthy eating habits can reduce obesity

eating habits obesity
Obesity is overweight caused by excess calories and lack of movement. This problem is now an epidemic in many countries.

There are four million deaths attributed to being overweight by 2015. However, people's awareness to immediately change the pattern of everyday life is still lacking, so that not a few are ultimately obese.

A new person is said to be obese if the body mass index (BMI) in the number 30 or more. If less than that figure is still considered overweight but it can be a great health problem.

Sunday 22 April 2018

tips to lose weight by eating bananas 2 times a day

tips lose weight
at this time I will discuss tips to lose weight by consuming bananas twice a day

Eating bananas is not only a complement to the perfection of food.

But eating can actually benefit the health of the body.

As quoted from BrightSide, it was enough to eat two bananas a day, you will get tremendous benefits.

1. Arterial pressure returns to normal

Bananas reduce high blood pressure because it contains 420 mg of potassium.

2. Weight loss

Eight Healthy and Nutritious Snacks While Working

A lot of work in the office can trigger an increase in appetite. Unhealthy snacks are often the right choice to quickly fill the stomach. However, if you continue to eat these foods will worsen health.

Many workers are unaware of it, and constantly eat excessive snacks. So it causes health problems, such as weight gain and obesity.

There is actually a healthy and nutritious light meal that can be consumed while working. Here are some of these foods, as quoted from Times Of India.

10 Snack healthy and nutritious for family

Healthy snacks are not too difficult to make, like these 10 snacks which are a favorite of international nutrition experts. In addition to easy to make, this snack is also highly nutritious.

Like a snack and want to stay healthy? Surely many of you who love to eat snack but worried about the bad effects that can be caused by eating too much snack, especially if the selected snacks are less healthy. But do not need to feel guilty because it was not just us who like to snack, nutrition experts are also many who love to eat snacks. The difference they choose the type of snack that is delicious addition is also very healthy. Let's replace your snack with some healthy snacks!

1. Banana Nut Toast


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