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Friday 21 August 2015

how Spinach Prevent Hunger

A long-term study conducted by researchers at Lund Unversity, Sweden, showed that spinach contains extracts of green leaves or thylakoid membranes that can reduce hunger hedonic up to 95 percent and helps weight reduction up to 43 percent.

Hedonic hunger is another term for a strong desire to eat unhealthy foods such as sweets or fast food, which is a common cause of obesity and unhealthy eating habits.

The study results showed that thylakoids can strengthen the satiety hormone production in the body and suppress the hedonic hunger, which ultimately better impact on appetite control, adoption of healthy eating habits and increase weight loss.

Infection danger Tatto Machine

Tatto machine
Tattoos. Artwork on the skin of the human body is more and more fans. In the tattoo salon, a colorful variety of shapes drawn on body parts according to customer desires. Unfortunately, this artwork is one work of art that allows the various reactions of the skin, such as allergic reactions, inflammatory reactions and infections of the skin. For that, think seriously before deciding to get a tattoo.

Skin infections because Tattoos
Infections of the skin, including one of the side effects that need to be taken seriously as the source not only of the tool only. Source of infection in tattooing are at the place of manufacture, crockery and tattoo ink.

Thursday 20 August 2015

6 Natural Ways to Tighten the female organs

female organs are very prone to the disease, for which women should be taking good care of her female organs, here are some ways to care for the female organs:

1. Orgasm

While orgasm is actually the muscles of the pelvic floor is being contracted. So more and more frequent orgasms, the earlier start tightening of the muscles of the pelvic floor.

2. Kegel exercises, known as sexual gymnastics
Kegel exercise
 Kegel exercises are one way to train the female organs are loose. The way to do Kegel exercises are the first first identify the pelvic floor muscles are we going to train them. If you do not already know can insert a finger in the vagina and doing activities such as stop urinating, muscle nah makes pinched fingers it was called the pelvic floor muscles. After that tighten and relax the muscles (do firming for 5-10 seconds and then relax), done up to 5 times.

Prevent Colon Cancer Diligently Drinking Coffee

Coffee is a beverage that is so popular in Indonesia and even the world. Drinks are synonymous with black colored liquid is able to anesthetize fans with flavor, aroma, and the amount of caffeine needed.

Besides being able to effectively keep you awake, diligent coffee was also able to keep you from the risk of colon cancer that threatens. So, what is the reason?

"The content of caffeine in coffee is able to cut the inflammation which became the forerunner of the growth of cancer cells in the colon," explained research that was launched from this dailymail.co.uk.

Friday 14 August 2015

12 Benefits of Tea Bags Bags Used

bennefit tea
friends like to sit back and enjoy a dish of hot tea? Or chat while jamming so beautiful tea? Do not throw away used tea bag! Instead contaminate and pollute the environment, you'd better take advantage of the former wrap her tea. Because in addition to a soothing beverage, tea also has many other properties. What are the benefits of the tea, the following explanation:

1. Remove sprue.
Who is frequent canker sores? Thrush can be treated with a tea bag, you know. That's because tea contains tannic acid, which is a substance astringent and anti-inflammatory, thereby accelerating wound healing.

2. Stop the bleeding and heal bruises.
Tannic acid content (and caffeine) in a tea bag can also fit into small cuts and shrink the capillary holes and open wounds, reduce swelling and bruising, close the cuts, and to treat wounds caused by razor.

3. Eliminate panda eyes.

5 It Disgusting It Turns Allowed There in Food

Larvae in food cans. Ever meet him?
Ever imagine if you enjoy food made of dirt, worms and other disgusting things? Certainly not ya. But, believe me if it has indeed become our consumption even possible since a dozen years ago. Various objects is repugnant and must be disposed of turns for the authorities is even allowed to exist in our food ..

Similar conspiracy for world domination theory yes. But, do not worry it is not as dangerous as what is thought anyway. Still, knowing the fact that we are apparently eating disgusting objects successfully make nausea. It is disgusting what the hell it turns out often we eat it? Here's his review.

1. Dirt

Friday 7 August 2015

Beware, Turns Supplements Can Increase Risk of Disease

 First, as a child, some of your parents must have told you to take vitamins, the reason is that you quickly grow large. Maybe it's true, because as a child might be difficult to eat so the intake of foods that should be required not even you can. However, consumption of supplements and vitamins you may no longer consume when you are growing up.
But lately it seems the food or vitamin supplements start needed again. But whether you really need it? Because quoted www.everydayhealth.com, supplements and vitamins really do not need if you are in good health and has no health problems whatsoever.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

healthy diet with lemon

It can ya Cheap and Healthy Diet? Most of us when I want to diet, there is constraining us to run the program diet. The first is the fear of hunger. The second is the budget. For those people, sometimes feel it expensive diet programs. Well here I will give tips cheap. That is how cheap Healthy Diet Lime.

Why lemon? Lime can be used as an alternative to replace the lemon. Lemon fruit is relatively expensive, especially if more is not the season.

 lemon or lime this cool name? This fruit is produced shrubs, size 3-6 cm. It feels a bit bitter or sour, and it was almost the same as the lemon. And this fruit has a high vitamin C content. In addition, the fruit is also rich in acidic tailings.

How to use lemon juice in the diet program

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