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Monday 28 September 2015

Avoid Drinking Tea After Eating Habits

drink tea
Tea is one of the favorite drinks of Indonesian society. This drink is made and encountered anywhere no exception at a roadside food stall or even 5 star hotel. It turns out, did you know that drinking hot tea, sweet iced tea at risk for health?

Here's the explanation, the habit of a person to drink tea after a big meal is difficult to remove. There is even a slogan one tea beverage products which states that any should drink tea eat.

According to the study, in a cup or glass of tea there are compounds that have the ability to bind iron is quite high. Because of it, the body will be difficult to absorb up to 60%.

Body of iron deficiency would result in the production of red blood cells is reduced. If the red blood cells is reduced, there will be damage to organs, including the brain.

After you lunch let alone with a plate of rice are advised not to drink a lot of tea. Rice contains sugar.

In tea are substances that absorb food juices. Tannin is a substance in tea yanh compound can affect the absorption of proteins in the stomach.

Not only tea that is not recommended after a big meal. Drinking cold water, eat fruits, smoke, and loosen the belt is also not recommended. Start a healthy life, apply the proper diet for a healthy body

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