|food |healthy |cancer |cancers

Thursday 24 April 2014

carefully turns the bread can cause flatulence

make bread flatulence 

Most people think of bread as an enemy because it is considered cause bloating. In fact, 20 percent of British people avoid bread to avoid bloating. But experts warn, to do that there are consequences to be paid. 

The experts also agreed that the bread is not the main cause of bloating, but the pasta. Bread also does not make fat, depending on other food that is eaten accompanied him. 

According to researchers, chose not to eat bread or known as gluten-free diet, it increases the risk of deficiencies of essential nutrients, such as fiber, iron, and calcium. This is because bread is one of the best sources of these nutrients. 

The following eye exercise method

eye exercise
For those who frequently spend time in front of the screen gadgets , it is important to always maintain eye health . For some people , staring at the screen for a long time can be painful and cause fatigue . If you include one of them , then maintain eye health should be a top priority .

Although the current condition of the eye is still pretty good, but it's important to keep doing prevention. Because, maintaining the health of course no need to wait when sick. One of the preventive measures to maintain eye health is to exercise the eyes. 

"Exercise is important to maintain eye mechanical and optical functions. Diligent exercise also improves the ability of the eye to focus," said eye surgeon, dr. Keiki Mehta. 

Monday 21 April 2014

Positive Thinking Prevent Breast Cancer

positive thinking
FEEL happy and always positive thinking is one important key in life . With feeling optimistic and happy , the risk of developing various diseases can be reduced to a minimum .

The importance of a positive and happy feelings reflected in a study recently published BioMed Central journal BMC Cancer . Research results indicate that women tend to be happy and positive thinking at lower risk of breast cancer .

Dr Ronit Peled of Ben - Gurion University of the Negev in Beer Sheva , Israel , in his research stated that happiness and optimism is able to reduce the risk of breast cancer in women by 25 percent . While the experience or traumatic events such as divorce or loss of a loved one can worsen the risk .

Slow Cancer by Melatonin

Breast Cancer
Breast cancer patients who hope to slow the rate of tumor progression they may be trying to sleep hormone melatonin therapy .More recently , a study found that melatonin can reduce the rate of tumor growth and prevents the formation of new blood vessels from the spread of tumor cells .
Melatonin is almost always associated with circadian rhythms and sleep patterns routine . However, research suggests this hormone has a role in slowing the spread of cancer . According to the American Cancer Society , this is probably why this hormone is believed to be a powerful antioxidant , which can reduce the amount of damage caused by free radicals .

To determine the effect of this hormone in the treatment of cancer , the researchers performed the therapy on mice , either alone or in combination with chemotherapy , radiation therapy , hormone therapy , and immune therapy .

Monday 14 April 2014

Urine Drinking Water Really Good For Health ?

urine water
Have you heard that the water urine or urine good for health ? If so , do not immediately follow the first suggestion that spread because you need to know in advance what the benefits of water urine , and under what circumstances urine water can be consumed .

Water Urine and Sleep Patterns
Water urine contains melatonin, which is very good for health . To have that much melatonin content in the urine in the water , you need enough sleep because these substances are produced when you are asleep .

Beware of Bacteria
Water urine are harmless and non-toxic , but if the body has a lot of bacteria ( especially in the anus and reproductive organs ) you should be careful when taking the urine . If you are sure to have a good sleep pattern that has urine with a good content of melatonin , drink urine that came out some time after the first urine because the first one that is thought to contain a lot of bacteria .

Saturday 12 April 2014

5 Health Trends This may Unhealthy

Raw foods
At every lifestyle trend to health or fitness , there should be a warning " not always suitable for everyone " . Because , there are some trends that actually have a negative impact for the believer , for example, the risk of nutritional deficiencies and weak limp on the bed .

 so as not to get caught up in the trend alone , you'll want to dig up as much information about the method before living it . Here are five trends fitness and health that may not be suitable for you .

1 . Gluten -Free Diet
Gluten-free diet can be healthy for those who really need it . However, according to Desiree Nielsen , a nutritionist from the U.S. , this method does not actually have to be done for those who are not allergic to gluten .

10 profit if you want to exercise!

Exercising on a regular basis it takes determination and willpower plus consistency. Not least among you do so only occasionally depending on my mood. 

But you may not be alone. Four of the five people who experience busy. Sports became the most difficult thing to do amid the density of activity. But your actual losses if they continue to laze around and do not want to exercise. Various studies have confirmed the importance of sports, one of them so long lifespan. 

Consider other healthy advantages that can be learned by constantly moving. Ten's never gains enjoyed by those who are too lazy to move and dispense dried with exercise. 

1. Increased memory 
Experts assert that the activities of sports including important that maximum brain function. Sports can m; Increasing the intake of oxygen in the blood and stimulate the production of chemical compounds useful in the brain that sharpen memory. 

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