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Monday 21 April 2014

Slow Cancer by Melatonin

Breast Cancer
Breast cancer patients who hope to slow the rate of tumor progression they may be trying to sleep hormone melatonin therapy .More recently , a study found that melatonin can reduce the rate of tumor growth and prevents the formation of new blood vessels from the spread of tumor cells .
Melatonin is almost always associated with circadian rhythms and sleep patterns routine . However, research suggests this hormone has a role in slowing the spread of cancer . According to the American Cancer Society , this is probably why this hormone is believed to be a powerful antioxidant , which can reduce the amount of damage caused by free radicals .

To determine the effect of this hormone in the treatment of cancer , the researchers performed the therapy on mice , either alone or in combination with chemotherapy , radiation therapy , hormone therapy , and immune therapy .

The researchers determine the effects of melatonin by measuring tumor progression and angiogenesis which is the formation of new blood vessels that help the tumor to spread . They do so in mice with triple - negative breast cancer .
Rats given doses of melatonin one hour before the researchers turned off the lights each night for 21 nights . Known , the hormone most active in the dark .Then the researchers measured tumor progression using single photon emission tomography . They found that mice that underwent such therapy has a size smaller tumors with fewer new blood vessels compared to control mice .
" The key finding in this study is we now know how to trace the effects of these drugs on tumor development , " said Adarsh ​​Shankar , study author and research assistant in the Department of Radiology , Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit .Breast cancer is one of the most deadly cancers spelled . Although it also occurs in men , women are more at risk to experience it with age . National Cancer Institute of the United States stated , a woman's risk of having breast cancer increased from 1/227 becomes 1/42 over the age of 30 years

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