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Saturday 12 April 2014

5 Health Trends This may Unhealthy

Raw foods
At every lifestyle trend to health or fitness , there should be a warning " not always suitable for everyone " . Because , there are some trends that actually have a negative impact for the believer , for example, the risk of nutritional deficiencies and weak limp on the bed .

 so as not to get caught up in the trend alone , you'll want to dig up as much information about the method before living it . Here are five trends fitness and health that may not be suitable for you .

1 . Gluten -Free Diet
Gluten-free diet can be healthy for those who really need it . However, according to Desiree Nielsen , a nutritionist from the U.S. , this method does not actually have to be done for those who are not allergic to gluten .

Because of this , Nielsen suggested that allergy test first before starting this diet method . But remember , the test will not give positive results when you 're doing a gluten free diet .

2 . Run mud
Inspired by military training , mud run was a trend to get a fit body . This run also involves challenges such as climbing or crawling so it can train many muscles at once .

The problem , mud terrain can be very dangerous . Because the mud can make the surface slippery so you can easily lose your balance and fall while doing the activity. That is why , the risk of injury from this activity is very high .

3 . Diets " raw food"
Raw food diet  cooking process as opposed to destructive enzymes , vitamins , and minerals in the food . But according to Nielsen , stomach acid can also damage the natural enzymes from food . As well , there are some nutrients that are actually easier to digest the first cooking process , such as carotene in carrots .

4 . CrossFit
CrossFit exercise is actually guaranteed security , speed and intensity of exercise article relies on individuals live . Conducive social environment in this exercise can be motivating , but on the other hand , it can also be stressful. Therefore , the perpetrator was doing CrossFit portion of that excessive exercise they should do .

So to get the benefits of this exercise , make sure you know how far your ability . Take a class is also small with average ability equal to your participants , so the pressure to perform excessive exercise portion tends to decrease .

5 . Detox diet
The body has a mechanism disposal of toxins from food . However, such a mechanism is not considered sufficient to dispose toxic residues so dibutuhkanlah detox diet . The problem , according to Nielsen , a detox diet can also disrupt the balance of good bacteria in the digestive tract .

In a detox diet also contained a requirement to eliminate alcohol and junk food , but diet is also required to negate the nutritious food and has the effect of " cleaning" like broccoli or kale .

" Doing a detox diet method for one or two weeks in a year is not too provide cleaning benefits as promised , " said Nielsen

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