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Friday 21 August 2015

how Spinach Prevent Hunger

A long-term study conducted by researchers at Lund Unversity, Sweden, showed that spinach contains extracts of green leaves or thylakoid membranes that can reduce hunger hedonic up to 95 percent and helps weight reduction up to 43 percent.

Hedonic hunger is another term for a strong desire to eat unhealthy foods such as sweets or fast food, which is a common cause of obesity and unhealthy eating habits.

The study results showed that thylakoids can strengthen the satiety hormone production in the body and suppress the hedonic hunger, which ultimately better impact on appetite control, adoption of healthy eating habits and increase weight loss.

"Our analysis shows that drinking beverages containing thylakoids before breakfast reduces the desire to eat and makes you feel more full throughout the day," said Professor of Medical and Physiological Chemistry at Lund University, Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson.

In the three-month study involving 38 women with overweight, the researchers asked study participants taking green drinks each morning.

Half of the women were given five grams of spinach extract and the rest into a control group given a placebo.

The participants did not know which group they are in. They only asked to consume a balanced diet including three meals a day and do other diets.

"In the study, the control group lost an average of 3.5 kilograms, while the group given thylakoid lost five kilograms of weight Abdan. The group given the thylakoids is also easier to eat three meals a day consistently - and do not have a strong desire to eat something, "Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson in public broadcasting Lund University.

In this case the key is satiety and hunger suppression versus hedonic hunger homeostasis associated with the basic energy needs.

Modern processed food is digested very quickly so that the hormones in the gut that sends satiety signals to the brain and suppresses appetite could not follow it.

Green leaf membrane slows the digestive process, giving a gut hormones are released and communicate to the brain that we are full.

"It's about using the time to digest our food. There is nothing wrong with our digestive system, but it just does not work well with modern food. Thylakoids extend digestion time, produce a feeling of fullness," said Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson.

"It means we can stick to a diet that we want without snacks and foods that we do not need such as crisps, sweets and others," he said.

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