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Monday 23 April 2018

6 healthy living habits every day

healthy living habits every day
Want to have a healthy body and resist various disease attacks? Apply a healthy lifestyle from now on. Applying a good lifestyle is very important to do in our daily lives, this way is very useful to maintain our body healthy living habits and prevent attacks of various types of diseases. Because by applying this pattern then our body will form a healthy immune system and strong, so the body will remain in shape. It has a good impact on our work activities, so that we become more productive people.Applying this lifestyle is very easy to do, but it will be difficult if we do not have a strong intention to do so. Here are some steps to do in implementing a healthy lifestyle, including as follows!Healthy Living Pattern Every Day

1. Diligent exerciseExercise is one of the healthy lifestyle that is very easy to do, but many people feel lazy to do this physical activity. Yet diligently doing regular exercise every day can increase endurance, maintain body fitness, strengthen bones, burn body fat, prevent stress and many other sports benefits.2. Applying a healthy dietEat healthy foods and eat regularly, so the body will remain unfulfilled will the nutritional and nutritional intake needed by our body. Some healthy foods can be like fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, low-fat meat and other healthy foods. Avoid consuming instant food and instant food, this type of food can trigger disease and eat regularly.3. Keep the environment clean and create a healthy environmentHealthy Living Patterns The factors that cause disease generally are often caused by unhealthy environmental factors, such as slums, lots of garbage piles and so on. For that, create a healthy and clean environment either inside the house or outside the house to avoid the various diseases that can attack us at any time.4. Drink plenty of waterEnough liquid your body with multiply drinking water at least 8 glasses every day, so the body will avoid dehydration after doing routine every day. In addition, drinking water is also very beneficial for health organs in the body such as heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, digestive system and skin health.5. Enough and regular breaksAvoid working late into the night, as a habit of staying up may affect your health. Therefore, simply rest your hours with sleep at night for a maximum of 8 hours each night. That way, after you wake up in the morning the body will come back fresh and fit. Avoid eating heavy meals before bed.

6. Stop smokingIt has often been warned of the dangers of smoking for health, but there are still many people who do these unhealthy habits. You need to know that, smoking can cause health problems such as shortness of breath, heart attack, cancer, pregnancy and fetal disorders. Therefore, stop smoking habit from now.That's a little information about healthy lifestyle, apply how to run a healthy lifestyle from now that we and the family can avoid health problems. Hopefully what I submit to this post can be useful for all of us.

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