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Wednesday 22 July 2015

Sitting can trigger cancer?

Sitting can trigger cancer?
Spending time to linger have long pointed out can cause various diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke, up posture disorders. However, there are still risks resulting from the activity of sitting in a very long period of time, ie cancer.

A study reported by the Daily Mail, scientists say spend more time sitting may increase the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and cancer of the bone marrow, especially in women. More free time spent just sitting without physical activity, such as watching television, increase the chances of developing cancer by 10% in women, while this effect was not felt in men.

Has long been too few people know that physical activity can reduce the quality of health. However, recent research has focused that spend time lingering to sit regarded as a serious threat and needed specific attention.

A study conducted by the American Cancer Society to observe at least 146,000 people consisting of 69 260 men and 77 462 women from 1992 to 2009. During that period, a total of 18 555 men and 12 236 women are diagnosed with cancer. The researchers found that spending leisure time just to sit for long associated with 10% higher risk of developing cancer.

This figure is even higher than other factors, such as the amount of physical activity, body mass, and other factors that also affect the researchers concluded that the more time is spent just to linger, the higher the risk of cancer, especially in women , such as multiple myeloma or bone marrow cancer, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer.

However, the risk is too often is not found berlamalama sitting impact cancer risk in men. "Further research is needed to better understand the differences in the relationship between men and women," said one of the researchers. Therefore, the American Cancer Society guidelines recommend that for as much as possible to reduce the time to sit in a very long time.

A previous study ever conducted University of Regensburgdi Germany found that the activity of sitting increases the risk of developing colon cancer and lung cancer. Scientists say that every increase of 2 hours just to sit (sedentary time) in a day increases the risk of colon cancer risk as much as 8% and 10% increased risk of cancer of the endometrium (womb).

However, these earlier studies did not find an association between sitting and a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Researchers from Germany, Daniela Schmid and Dr. Michael Leitzmann, said the possibility of an increased risk of cancer in their study that sit often associated with watching TV, and in the end often accompanied by eating junk fooddan sweet drink.

Another possibility is the lack of vitamin D produced in the body that can be obtained when exposed to sunlight. Researchers last year, Dr Emma Wilmot and his colleagues at the University of Leicester analyzed 18 studies that by combining a total of 800,000 people.

They found that people who spent the most time to sit risky twice diabetes or heart disease than those who spend the least time seat. They also reported that sits in a very long period of time are also at risk of kidney disease, especially in women.

In addition, muscle pain, joint pain, and back into the more general public suffered by the middle class, who spend most of their lives sitting. "When we sit down for long periods of time, changes in the enzyme occurs in our muscles to be able to cause an increase in blood sugar levels. Effect occurs very quickly, and regular exercise will not be fully protected, "said Dr. Wilmot.

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