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Tuesday 8 May 2018

6 Benefits of Drinking Wine for Health

drinking wine
There is a saying "End your daily activities with a glass of wine". Yes, a glass of wine feels worth it to accompany you after a day of work or doing other activities. Moreover, this wine fermented drink has many health benefits for the body.

This is supported by some research evidence on the benefits of wine for health. But keep in mind the benefits are only related when drinking in moderation. What are the benefits?

1. Boost your immunity
A study in the UK revealed that those who drank a glass of wine a day may reduce the risk of infection of Helicobacter pylori bacteria by about 11%. These bacteria can cause gastritis, stomach ulcers, and stomach cancer. Even half a glass of wine can protect a person from food poisoning because of germs such as salmonella.

2. Strengthens memory and protects your brain
According to Tedd Goldfinger, DO, from the University of Arizona School of Medicine, said that eating wine can prevent blood clots and reduce inflammation of blood vessels. Both are associated with cognitive decline and heart disease. Alcohol contained in wine can also increase HDL, of course this is not bad cholesterol.

This good cholesterol will help remove blockages in your arteries. Believe it or not, wine also has benefits to strengthen your memory. A study says that in the results of a memory quiz followed by 70-year-old women, those who drank one glass or more of wine each day scored better than those who did not drink or who drank little.

Based on Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers, written in the journal Experimental Neurology, red wine alias red wine can protect the brain from stroke damage. Resveratrol in red wine is believed to increase the level of oxygen heme; enzymes that are believed to protect nerve cells in the brain.

3. Protect you from cancer
Researchers in Australia, cited by Health website, found a reduced risk of this disease by 50% in women who regularly drink wine in moderation. Experts assume this may be due to the content of antioxidants and phytoestrogens (estrogen-like compounds found in plants), the two high anticancer compounds.

A University of Michigan study recently found that compounds in red wine or red wine can kill ovarian cancer cells in a test tube. In addition, French scientists in a report in Oncology Reports July-August 2000, cited webMD, found evidence that resveratrol antioxidants can stop the growth of liver cancer cells.

Any other antioxidant called quercetin in red wine can inhibit the growth of oral cancer cells.

4. Make youth
The benefits of this one definitely do not want you to miss. Researchers from Harvard Medical School said that under wine contains resvetratol compounds, which are found on the skin of red grapes, these compounds have a beneficial effect to prolong life.

The findings in the journal Cell Metabolismoffer, cited by Medical News Today, show strong evidence of a link between antiaging and resveratrol compounds and the SIRT1 gene.

While a study from the University of London found that compounds of procyanidins in red wine can keep blood vessels healthy, this is one factor that contributes to longevity in people in Sardinia and southwest France.

In addition, flavonoids contained in wine and grapes can help reduce the effects of damage due to exposure to UV light, this was stated by scientists from the University of Barcelona in The Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry.

5. Shaping bones for the better
On average, women who drink wine (of course with a decent dose) have a better body mass than those who do not drink it. Alcohol content can increase estrogen levels, this hormone affects the bone formation of women.

6. Reduce the risk of depression
Several universities in Spain reported in the journal BMC Medicine that eating wine can reduce the risk of depression. The study involved 2683 men and 2822 women aged 55 to 80 and the study lasted for more than 7 years, showing that women and men who drank 2 to 7 glasses of wine per week were less likely to be diagnosed with depression.

The most important thing to remember is this health effect can only happen if you drink wine d

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