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Tuesday 7 April 2015

frequent consumption of eggs, can make your stomach flat

Six Pack
Who does not crave a flat stomach? Both men and women would want a proportional body shape with a shape that was not distended stomach.

We all know that the most effective way to get a flat stomach is to exercise regularly abdomen. Even so, there are some foods that it can make you achieve a flat stomach faster.

These foods contain nutrients that are good for reducing flatulence, and slimming your body. Here are foods that make your stomach flat: 

Eggs are one of the best foods to help flatten your body. Eggs are rich in fat-burning elements, namely proteins. In fact, eggs also contain amino acids that help the formation of the cell. Eating eggs at breakfast can make you eat less and tend to choose healthy foods all day. 

Plain greek yogurt 
High protein content makes plain greek yogurt into a snack that is good for your stomach prop. Protein content in yogurt can also prevent you to consume excess food, and make the stomach full longer. You can add your favorite fruits into a kind of yogurt to improve its effectiveness. 

Types of berries are very low in sugar but rich in antioxidants. It can help you to get a flat stomach craving. Berries helps improve digestion, stabilize blood sugar, and reduce flatulence. It also can be the source of your energy for a busy day or a friend to exercise. 
It is true that nuts contain a lot of fat, but if you consume adequate amounts of nuts can help you to achieve your ideal body weight. Beans are one of the sources of good fats that can meet the needs of your daily fat.In addition, nuts also contain protein and fiber that can stabilize blood sugar and keep you full longer. Chose the beans without seasoning such as walnut, almond, or pistachios. 
 Eating fish can help boost metabolism and keep you full longer. Protein in fish can also help build muscle in the body. If you want to eat fish, choose salmon or tuna are rich in omega-3 fatty acids also help to reduce weight and burning fat.

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