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Monday 20 May 2013

Healthy Ways to Overcome Bad Breath

How does it feel if we had the name of bad breath? Maybe you will lack confidence when talking with someone, and sometimes we take offense when the person you are talking to her nose shut and thought in our minds whether this influences my bad breath? This often happens to us and makes us less confident because due to bad breath.

Especially when you are fasting silva where production will be reduced so that the bacteria multiply quickly as a result will appear on mouth odor. Unlike the case at the mouth when you eat it will produce silva. Bad breath is caused by bacteria that convert food scraps into sulfur gas. Other causes could also happen to come from within the body.

Understanding that, on this auspicious occasion we try to provide tips and latest information on How to Eliminate Mouth Odor and Prevention is more scientific and do not contain risk, the following materials can eliminate bad breath:

Betel leaf
As one of the most natural treatments, betel leaf is believed to eliminate bad breath instantly. this is because the betel leaf extract contains a fragrance that is quite sharp and can make a fresh breath. How to use it is also quite easy, by setting up as many as 5-7 pieces of betel leaf after it boiled in 4 cups of hot water, and let stand until cool. Then gargle with water, by consistently doing things like this. Then we will feel fresh breath naturally.

Avoiding Stinging Smelling Food
Of most existing and many food we consume, there are some that have strong odors and makes us sensitive mouth feel. this is what makes our mouths so easily smell and treatment of the disease will be difficult. Therefore, in order that fresh breath we need to avoid foods that stung like Jengkol, Pete, Durian and others.

Steer clear of smoking
Unconsciously, smoking is one of the causes of bad breath are not thought by most people, for those of you who have bad breath disease. So avoid smoking is necessary so that the treatment of this type quickly implemented. If you are not a smoker, avoid cigarette smoke from active smokers should also be done, because cigarette smoke is also as dangerous as active smokers.

Brushing Teeth Regularly
This is one of the easiest things we can do if we want our breath is always fresh and does not smell. This is because it contains a certain toothpaste has several elements that could change the substance odors caused by germs and erode it with freshness which is usually called the Mint. With regular brushing, we can also save our spending over that was very swollen from multiple drug efficacy is not necessarily for us.

Gargle With White Water
Knowingly or not, gargle is one of the initial and final stages we need to do when we feel the freshness of our mouth feels troubled. Gargle regularly with, then we will automatically oral condition is always fresh and our mouth freshness can be maintained.

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