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Wednesday 14 May 2014

So Many Reasons Rats Test Materials

white mouse
It turns out rats very important role in medical experiments . Starting from the formulation of new cancer drugs to test dietary supplements , the mice play an important role in the new medical miracle .

In fact , according to the Foundation for Biomedical Research ( FBR ) , 95 % of laboratory animals are mice . Scientists and researchers rely on mice for several reasons . One of them , these small rodents , easily stored and preserved, and can adapt well to the new environment .

These animals breed rapidly and short-lived ( 2-3 years ) so that multiple generations of mice can be observed in a short time .

In addition , mice are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased in bulk from commercial manufacturers special breed rodents for research . Generally , the rats behaved and easy to handle research animals , although there was some kind of difficult to handle .

Most medical laboratory mice genetically almost identical , except for gender. According to the National Human Genome Research Institute , it helps homogenize the results of a medical experiment . As a minimum requirement , the mice had the same race .

Another reason mice are used as models of medical test they are genetic , biological characteristics and behavior are very similar to humans , and many of the symptoms of the human condition can be replicated in mice .

" Rats are mammals that have a lot of processes such as humans and can be used to answer questions a lot of research , " said representatives of the National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) Office of Laboratory Welfare Haliski Jenny .

Over the past two decades , the similarities were even stronger . Now , scientists can develop a " transgenic mice " that carry a similar gene cause human disease . Rats also make research efficient as anatomy , physiology and genetics are well understood by researchers .

Some mice SCID ( severe combined immune deficiency ) are naturally born with no immune system and can be a model study of normal and malignant human tissues . Here's an example of a human disorder in which mice were used as a model .

Hypertension , diabetes , cataracts , obesity , seizures , breathing problems , deafness , Parkinson's , Alzheimer's , cancer , cystic fibrosis , HIV and AIDS , heart disease , muscular dystrophy , spinal cord injury .

Rats are also used for testing the anti - addiction drugs that could potentially put an end to drug addiction .

" Using animals is important for a scientific understanding of biomedical systems that lead to the drug , and a healing therapy that is useful , " said Haliski .

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