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Thursday 22 May 2014

cancer can be prevented by exercising

SPORT is a natural way to maintain health and prevent disease . Research shows , actively engaged every day can keep you from risks such as heart disease and cancer .

Holiday period is over , time to return to normal daily activities . Perhaps many of us are due to various reasons , change of activity during the month of Ramadan until the post - holiday. The most obvious thing is usually sporting activity generally decreased .

For those who are fasting during the month of diligent prayer tarawih probably does not matter much void of sports activity was at least replaced by movements in the prayer , which in addition to containing the value of worship , also healthy .

However , what about those who stop exercising altogether and reduced physical activity for more than a month now ? Especially during Lebaran , sometimes people go crazy seeing gelimang food at home or a relative's house and visited families stay in touch while . In the end , uncontrollable weight back , complaining mind and body armor back tightened .

Hmm ? time exercising again ya ! Similarly, eating , exercise should be done every day . Do not immediately think of heavy exercise sweat , light activities such as walking or cycling around the compound , an enjoyable exercise alternative .

Sports medicine specialist , Dr. Phaidon L Toruan MM , revealing , exercise is a must . " Just as you pray and pray in accordance with the religious and spiritual needs trust for , the sport is physical needs , " he said .

Phaidon adding , sports or in everyday language is called exercise is an activity that uses physical force . Today, with the increasing of degenerative diseases such as heart attack , hypertension , diabetes , cholesterol , in the end many people know that one of the reasons is lack of exercise.

Starting from this, sport can be regarded as " medicine " , which then also inspire terlahirnya therapeutic exercise ( sports therapy ) . It is better to prevent than cure . Well , in addition to a healthy , regular exercise has been shown to prevent the emergence of diseases , especially obesity as a gateway diverse chronic diseases like diabetes and diseases related to the blood vessels of the heart ( cardiovascular ) . Therefore , the problem is often experienced in people with excess body weight is a high metabolism .

" Metabolism is affected body mass . Greater the body mass , the more energy it takes to burn calories . Conditions will be dangerous if less exercise , " said the professor of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge , Los Angeles , Timothy Church MD MPH PhD .

Various international scale study findings have been handed to the health benefits of exercise and disease prevention .
Recently, a study conducted by researchers in the United States also revealed that regular exercise can protect men from prostate cancer .

Conclusions are based on the results of their testing 190 male participants who had a prostate biopsy . That the participants were quite active, although just walk away for a few hours per week , have turned out to be significantly less likely to get prostate cancer .

The majority of men in this study ( approximately 58 percent ) in their daily life is much less motion and more sedentary (sedentary ) . In other words , even if it could do the activity of walking , they were at most only do it for less than 1 hour per week . The study also reported that the exercise ( exercise) that do men who have prostate cancer can minimize cancer progression toward a more malignant .

" The more you exercise portion increased , diminishing the risk of cancer , " said urologist at Duke University Medical Center in the USA , Dr. Jodi Antonelli , who led the study of writing .

Responding to the results of a study published online in the Journal of Urology the Sept. 22 , a urologist at Duke and the Durham Veterans Affairs Hospital , Dr. Stephen Freedland , revealed that this finding is certainly useful as a reference for medical scientists continue to search for evidence related benefits of exercise for cancer prevention .

" There are dozens of studies that reported on the benefits of exercise in reducing the risk of prostate cancer , some of which even a large -scale study . However , everything is still confusing and leaves a question mark , " he said .

In addition to prostate cancer is the most feared adam , women can also benefit from the exercise , keep the risk of breast cancer .

This was revealed in a study by a team of researchers from the University of Southern Californiadi Los Angeles . They found that high- intensity exercise movements such as swimming, aerobics , and running can reduce the risk of breast cancer .

According to researchers , exercise or sports may reduce cancer risk through changes in metabolism and the immune system by reducing weight gain .

For the purposes of this study , the research team involving 110 599 participants in the California woman who traced her medical history since 1995 . Compared to participants who were only exercising less than 30 minutes a week , female participants who diligently perform high motion activity for more than 5 hours a week known to have a reduced risk invasive breast cancer by 20 percent , and 31 percent of cancers for early-stage breast cancer .
The study was conducted primarily to look at the cumulative effects of sports or exercise higher the risk of breast cancer . Before diagnosed with breast cancer , on average participants claimed just do a little exercise .

" The results of this study with additional evidence about cancer prevention through physical activity is strenuous , but fun in the long run the risk of invasive breast cancer who had or still early stage , " said researcher as noted in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine .

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